
Friday, March 13, 2015

Our Helper

I cried out to You, O Lord;
And to the Lord I made supplication:
“What profit is there in my blood,
When I go down to the pit?
Will the dust praise You?
Will it declare Your truth?
Hear, O Lord, and have mercy on me;
Lord, be my helper!”

Psalm 30:8-10 (NKJV)

Thought for Today: One thing that I don't do well is ask for help.  I have learned over the years to not overestimate what I can do and to seek help when needed, particularly when dealing with maintenance issues around the house.  This took several disasters, such as flooding a kitchen, before my stubbornness lost the battle of DIY.  

Have you been in a situation where you thought that there was no way out, where your eminent demise was before you?  Perhaps you thought that even the Lord could not save you. Yet, upon asking for help, He most certainly pulled you out of the pit.  Why in this portion of Psalm 30 would David almost seem to barter with God, asking Him what He would gain from David's demise?  It is interesting that David talks about the dust not being able to praise God or declare His truth.  Does the Lord rescue us only because He wants someone to praise Him?  I hardly thing so, for He, being God, could create a being to praise Him.  He doesn't need us.  Yet, in His wonderful love for us, He is willing to be our helper, our  deliverer not because He has to be, but because He desires to do this.  Our praise comes from what He does for us and is an expression of our gratitude for His amazing love for us.

This day, do you need help?  Are you afraid to ask for it?  Don't be afraid for He so cares for you that He will deliver you from any situation, any circumstance.  Will you trust the One who dwells in the praises of His people to help you today?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Of Troubles and Trials

Now in my prosperity I said,
“I shall never be moved.”
Lord, by Your favor You have made my mountain stand strong;
You hid Your face, and I was troubled.

Psalm 30:6,7

Thought for Today: Jim and his group were making great progress as they climbed Mt. Chocorua in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.  Although the trail was a bit muddy, the late spring weather was beautiful.  The group reached the summit to a glorious view of the lakes region below.  As he and his friends sat for lunch, Jim reflected upon their accomplishment as well as the many hikes that he had been on over the years.  Suddenly, without warning, storm clouds obliterated the sky as a snow squall rolled in, trapping the group on the summit.

Life is full of mountaintop and valley experiences.  We go from days where we feel like we can lick the world to other days which are full of trouble.  As David writes in this psalm, we feel like our faith cannot be moved when we are prosperous and feeling blessed.  When hard times strike, we take one of two approaches: run from God, feeling troubled or cling to God in the day of trouble.

Jim and his group managed to survive the snow by running to shelter in the overhang of rocks on the summit.  This day, should trouble prevail in your life, will you choose to seek shelter in the shadow of the wings of the Almighty or will you see the troubles as lack of His favor and run from Him?   My prayer is that you can choose the former, for this will lead to healing, safety and peace.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Entering His Favor

For His anger is but for a moment,
His favor is for life;
Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning.

Psalm 30: 5 (NKJV)

Thought for Today: Mario and Giuseppe had a falling out over something relatively small.  Mario had made a wonderful meal and invited Giuseppe and his family over for dinner.  Being from a different region of Italy, Mario apparently had not cooked things the way that Giuseppe was used to. This resulted in Giuseppe getting very upset, telling Mario that he was a terrible cook.  Mario asked Giuseppe and his family to leave.  The two would not speak to each other for over 30 years.

We have all been the object at whom anger was directed.  Have you ever felt God's anger?  We see in other passages of Scripture that the Lord is slow to anger.  Yet, He still can be angry with us over our sin.  We so often think of God as not being able to be angry.  Maybe He is not outwardly angry over our choices in life, but He must feel disappointment.  Have you every been heartbroken watching someone that you care about, perhaps a child, making bad choices and then facing consequence that you knew would occur?  Multiply that one thousand fold, and add to that knowing everything.  That is what the Lord must feel when He looks at our lives and our choices that are outside of His will.

One day, Giuseppe ran into Mario at a neighborhood store.  Tears formed in Giuseppe's eyes as he told Mario how much he had missed him and his family.  Giuseppe apologized for his harsh words and Mario apologized for asking his family to leave.  Now, the two families regularly dine at each other's houses, enjoying different dishes from both regions of Italy.

Sometimes, it takes a long time to turn to the Lord in repentance.  But, when we do, His anger fades, our weeping subsides and we have joy basking in His favor.  Do you need to repent today of a bad choice that has led you astray, outside of our Lord's favor?  If so, I would urge you to do so now, lay your sin at the Father's feet so that you may again know the joy of His love and favor.