Into Your hand I commit my spirit;
You have redeemed me, O Lord God of truth.
Psalm 31:5 (NKJV)
Thought for Today: During World War II, many families in England spent the night time in air raid shelters, since the Germans were quite often bombing. One story written by someone who was a child during the war depicts the shear terror of the bombs dropping near the shelter contrasted by the assurance of being inside an impermeable place while the world above was being turned into a shambles. Upon exiting the shelter the next morning, the writer discovered that his family's home had been destroyed, there was nothing left.
Have you ever been at a place in life where there is nothing left? Perhaps you lost a job, a spouse, a child or a marriage. Do you cultivate a place in your heart where there is peace, even when brought to the end of yourself? Most of us cruise along through life, rarely thinking about caring for the inner self. Yet, our Lord wants us to commit our spirits, the very being of our souls, to Him alone. Commit not just for redemption, but commit knowing that our Lord is enough, He will provide. He who is the author of your soul will care for you and provide even in the darkest of times.
In order to stay safe, the writer's family stayed in the shelter every night for the duration of the war. In order for everyone to feel at home, items from the house were brought down to the shelter over time. In the same way, we must create a space inside our hearts, cultivate it with God's Word and allow His Spirit to live there with us. It should be a space not just to go to in the tough times, but to go to often in order to make an impermeable retreat for our souls. This day, may you commit your spirit to our Lord, seeking Him who is our peace.