
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Trust not in Idols

I have hated those who regard useless idols;
But I trust in the Lord.
Psalm 31:6 (NKJV)

Thought for Today: After being falsely accused of a crime, Silas Marner, the main character in George Elliot's Silas Marner; The Weaver of Raveloe, moved to another part of England. He established a solitary life as a weaver and enjoyed clinging to his gold in an idolatrous fashion.  One day, his gold was stolen by the son of one of the wealthy families in the village.  Although he had not associated with them much, the villagers tried to help him get back his gold, to no avail.  It seems that once the object of his idolatry was taken away, his faith in humanity and ability to live life once again returned.  

We live in a society of many idols, some obvious and some subtle.  So what is yours?  It is real easy to look at this verse and say, "yes, I will not like those who replace the living God with idols."  Yet, how often do you and I trust in the things of this world at the exclusion of trusting in our Lord?  Some of the idols that we have are good things, like family, friends and work.  When we measure our worth on anything besides being a child of God, we begin to walk down a dangerous path.  You and I were created to relate to our living God as His child, to trust fully in Him regardless of what we have or don't have in this life.  You see, the things of this world are constantly changing.  One day, you have a great job, the next day you are downsized.  Trusting in anything but the Lord is like building a house on a foundation of sand; one day, the sand will shift and the house will fall.

My prayer is that you will examine your heart.  What are you trusting in besides God?  What idols do you need to tear down?  By doing this, you, like Silas Marner, can be free to love the Lord and to live a full life as He has planned for you.

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