
Friday, January 19, 2018

A Wide Place

And have not shut me up into the hand of the enemy;
You have set my feet in a wide place.
Psalm 31:8 (NKJV)

Thought for Today: Last summer while swimming in the ocean with my family I was trying to catch up to my daughter, who was a little too far out in deeper water.  Although she is a good swimmer, there have been a lot of riptides lately and many people have been rescued by lifeguards as they were about to be swept out to sea.  With my total focus on her, I did not notice that I was walking in between rocks which made my footing unstable nor did I see a large wave coming right at me.  My legs were thrown into a large rock underwater, resulting in a good size gash on one leg.  

Sometimes, we are so concerned with the circumstances around us that we don't know where our feet are planted. Perhaps we are looking to the future without considering where we presently stand.  Maybe there is anxiety about some future event that has us paralyzed.  Fear can be such an enemy at times, robbing us of balance in our lives as well as joy.  

Just as I had been hit by a large wave, so too can anxiety sweep us off of our feet, leaving us feeling smashed and in pain.  Had I been paying attention that day in the ocean, I would have kept my feet on more stable ground and perhaps would not have been thrown into the rocks.  Do you feel overcome by fear and anxiety?  Are you afraid of it consuming you?  Our Lord promises that He will not let us be shut up into the hand of the enemy.  He can and will set your feet in a wide place, a place of stability and of peace.  All He wants you to do is surrender your fear to Him and ask Him to take it from you.  It is so simple, yet so difficult.  Trust Him to plant your feet on solid ground.

Heavenly Father, we are so tossed about by fear and anxiety.  Yet, you promise us perfect peace if we only trust in You for our comfort, our healing.  May we rest in You this day, knowing that we can cast all anxiety upon you.

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