
Friday, July 21, 2017

You have considered my trouble

I will be glad and rejoice in Your mercy,
For You have considered my trouble;
Psalm 31:7(a)

Thought for Today: A little boy named Ben had lost his ball in a field one day. Many people went by but no one would stop to help him, at least until Dr. Turnbolt, a very prosperous and busy surgeon, came by.  Without even being asked, he took several minutes to help find the little boy's lost ball.  Then, to Ben's amazement, Dr. Turnbolt asked him if he would like to play catch.   They played in the bright sunshine for over one hour that day.

If you think about all of the difficulties that you have gone through in life and perhaps are going through right now, how many people genuinely care about your circumstances and are willing to lend an ear or perhaps a hand?  If you are honest with yourself, you will admit that it is very few.  All of us, in the busyness of life, do not stop often enough to show mercy to another, to lend a hand or just listen. What is so amazing about our Lord is that He is willing to consider our troubles even though He is the master of the universe.  One would think that He would be too busy to care, that our difficulties are too small when compared with many other terrible things going on in this world.  Yet, He does care because He loves us so much.

Today, as you go about your business, take some time to reflect upon the mercy shown to you by our Lord.  Is there someone in your life who needs to be shown mercy?   In gratitude for the mercy shown to you, reach out to that person and show him or her that you care and that God does care, even when in the depths of difficult circumstances.

Heavenly Father, this day may we be grateful for all the mercy that You have shown to us. Thank you for caring for us, for loving us and for sending Your only son, Jesus, to save us from our sins.  


  1. It's a wonderful thought that God the Creator considers us, puny humans .He sent His Son to die in our place. We are what we are by His grace. We have nothing in us to boast about. It is good for us to humble ourselves before Him and show mercy to those in need. Freely you have received freely give should be our attitude.

  2. Truely,God so loved the world and gave His only to die for our sins.
