
Friday, December 11, 2015

My Pain, My Gain

 "though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ,"
1 Peter 1:6b-7

Thought for Today: In the Republic, Plato penned the allegory of the cave in which a group of people lived their entire lives chained to a wall in a cave facing the blank wall.  A fire behind them caused shadows of things and people behind them to be cast upon the wall.  They began to name the shadows and based their world on the shadows on the wall.

This life that we live, with its trials and its joys, is but a mere shadow of the reality of God.  Often, when we are faced with difficult circumstances we indeed think that this is unfair and that our lives should not be this way. Yet, beyond the pain, beyond our circumstances lies a whole spiritual dimension that we only see a mere glimpse of.  Our Lord, in His infinite wisdom, is in the business of not wasting anything.  To think that He would use our pain, our trials, our hurt to refine us, test us and make us whole is unbelievable.  Yet, His plan for our sanctification is to make us strong in our faith, that we may bring Him honor and glory.

Are you facing difficult circumstances today?  Do you hurt so bad that you think there is no possible way to keep moving forward?  Look to the Lord for strength.  He is not a cruel God, using our pain for His gain with no concern for our well being.  He will walk with you through your deepest valley and lead you out on the other side, with much gained.  My prayer is that you can trust Him to lead you, not trying to go on your own but rather fully surrendering to Him.  Can you do that today?