
Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Foggy Journey

Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory,  receiving the end of your faith—the salvation of your souls.
1Peter 1:8b-9 (NKJV)

Thought for Today: Rob and Sue were driving to Rob's grandmother's house in the mountains for Christmas.  Sue decided to drive that day, even though she had never been to the house before.  She dutifully put the address into the GPS and off they went.  The day was beautiful, crisp and clear with a hint of snow in the air. As they drove down the interstate, Rob began to drift off into a deep sleep.  Sue thought about how tired Rob must be, after working many long days as a surgical resident.  The rest will do him good, she thought.  As she turned onto a back mountain road, a strange fog rolled in and made visibility nearly zero.  All Sue had to go on was the instructions from the GPS, mile by mile, turn by turn.  She tried to wake Rob up but he was in a deep sleep.  The thick fog did not dissipate even as she went further up the mountain.  Finally, the GPS indicated that they had arrived.  Grandma was waiting with a nice warm fire and dinner.

So often we want to know all of the turns that our lives will take.  Yet, God, in His divine wisdom, does not reveal everything at once, perhaps to save our sanity.  Even so, we yearn to know where we will be in life next month, next year, ten years from now.  We only know the present, our gift from the Lord as we walk this earth.  He knows the end from the beginning.  

Just as Rob and Sue arrived safely to Grandma's house thanks to the GPS, we too know that someday, having trusted in Jesus, we will indeed see the manifestation of our salvation.  On that day, we will meet Jesus face to face, the One who we can't see yet leads us in every twist and turn of this life.  Have you trusted Him, not just for your daily needs, but for your salvation?  Are you wholly leaning upon Him, attune to His leading in your life?  My prayer is that we all can fully trust Him through this foggy journey, knowing that one day the fog will be lifted and we will see Him face to face.