
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Looking to the Lord in Times of Need

            There are times of trial which befall believer and unbeliever alike during the course of a lifetime.  These hard times may come by way of loss or through the poor choices which one makes..  Perhaps the most difficult trial to endure is losing a close relationship through death or estrangement.  When you are in the midst of these times of doubt, times of hurting, where do you turn?  In which direction do you turn your eyes: upward, inward or straight ahead?

            We live in a society which constantly teaches us to trust only in ourselves.  When hardships come, we are taught to draw upon the resources around us, our relationships, family and friends.  We often try to offset the bad parts of our lives with what the world teaches us is good: money, power and position.  Yet, all of this leads to emptiness, for the resources of the world are finite.  All the money in the world cannot stop the heart from crying out in pain and anguish when we are hurt, in times of doubt and despair.  The best relationships, while they offer support and often are the means by which God ministers to us, cannot quite calm the storms of fear which lay buried deep within the hearts of all humankind.

            Trusting in the resources of the world, or looking straight ahead, during times of trial results in only an illusion of peace, a false sense of security.  For all of the things of this earth will one day pass away.  Perhaps realizing this, many people turn inward and live in a state of fear and self-pity.  This looking inward often results in an endless cycle of fear and doubt.  Many spend their days on this treadmill of fear.

            How should we as believers be different in the way in which we combat this fear?  How should we react when times of trouble assail us?  In Psalm 121, David tells us to look up to Him who made the heavens and earth.  David shows us that our help is to come from the Lord.  This is what makes us different from the world, for the one who created us also wishes for us to trust in Him and to seek Him as a source of strength.

            This Psalm further illustrates the completeness of His protection on the believer's life.  He watches over us both night and day, keeping us from all harm.  Not only does He watch over you now, but will watch over you forevermore.  Why then, do we live in our tiny worlds of fear?  If He will watch over our entire lives, nothing which can happen to us is out of His control.

            There is great power in this promise.  Yet, there is action involved on our part.: trust.  It is a simple word, yet so difficult.  How do you free your life from fear?  How do you live a life which does not need to focus upon the passing to offset the insecurity and fear which rampantly race through the hearts of mankind?  Trust in God.  Believe fully in your heart that this same God who created this earth, who created you, will care for you and provide for your every need.  Claim the promises of Christ.

            Throughout the Bible, there are so many promises to those who trust.  Psalm 125:1 says "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever."  By trusting fully in the Lord, we can be a people who are not perplexed and ruled by the trials of life,  but rather stand on a firm foundation.  We can persevere regardless of the difficulty, knowing full well that we are under God's sovereign care.  We can enjoy peace in this lifetime, knowing that our gentle Shepherd indeed will lead us safely through this life.

            Oh, believer, that you may indeed trust in Him through each and every day of your life.  For truly, in trusting you will find peace and rest for your soul.