
Sunday, June 17, 2018

Secret Sin

Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am in trouble;
My eye wastes away with grief,
Yes, my soul and my body!
Psalm 31:9 (NKJV)

Thought for Today: The knot in his stomach grew larger as Jim sat waiting in the courthouse for his trial to begin. For so long, he had been doing well in his job, being the go-to person for the CEO and a role model for the entire organization.  At least until the auditors came one day to take a look at the books.  They uncovered how Jim had been moving money from the company into his own personal account.  He had been able to cover this up for many years, but now he had been exposed.  Facing the possibility of a prison sentence, Jim could not contain the anxiety inside.  He was indeed grieving his poor choices, feeling all in his life slowly slipping away.

Perhaps today you are caught up in a secret sin.  If you have given your life to Christ, the Holy Spirit can’t help but to convict you of that sin.  You may feel that you are wasting away, not knowing where to turn.  Your friends can’t know. Your spouse can’t know.  Surely, if anyone finds out about this sin, they will surely look down upon you and now longer want anything to do with you.  Dear reader, there is One who knows your sin because He died for it.  There is nothing that you can do or anything that you have ever done that is beyond His forgiveness.  Jesus paid for your sins, all of them, secret and exposed, at the cross.  Have you trusted Him and asked Him to be your lord and savior? If not, please do so today.  If you have, then go to Him, confess your sin and ask for His cleansing and renewal.  He will heal us of all of our iniquities.

Heavenly Father, you know our sin.  You sent your son Jesus to pay for our sins.  May we rest in Your forgiveness.  You alone can restore us and deliver us. Amen.

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